Teens with ADHD

Teens with ADHD may be struggling with motivation, organization, or planning. They are at an age where they so desperately want to be independent of their parents but parents can be fearful of letting go. When we work with teens, our responsibility is to help them build skills so they are ready to leave home at the end of high school.

We allow parents to get off the front lines and rebuild healthy and enjoyable relationships with their teens.

Types of work

We help teens learn to:

  • Keep track of their schoolwork

  • Manage their time

  • Learn to organize and express their thoughts both verbally and in writing

  • Do practical skills like doing their laundry or cooking their own meals

  • Get and keep an afterschool job

Strengthening underlying executive functioning

In preparation for leaving home, we help teens understand their brains better and strengthen their executive function. We teach teens how to build systems and workarounds for their challenges and learn to play to their strengths, so crucial in building self-et